At Daimler Truck, we rely on a systematic approach to fulfill our human rights due diligence obligations through our Human Rights Compliance Management System (Human Rights CMS).

Human Rights Compliance Management System
The Human Rights CMS comprises basic principles and measures to promote compliant behavior in the Group companies and majority shareholdings as well as along our value chain. The Human Rights CMS consists of seven elements that build on each other.
Compliance Values
The Declaration of Principles forms the basis how we realize our social responsibility and summarizes our commitment to human rights. It complements our commitment from our Daimler Truck Code of Conduct.
Compliance Objectives
Our aim is to respect and support human rights and to implement the necessary measures and processes to comply with our due diligence obligations.
Compliance Organization
The Sustainability Management & Human Rights Compliance department in the Legal & Compliance unit is responsible for the development and steering of Group-wide activities in relation to human rights. It works cross-functionally with relevant departments, such as the central purchasing department.
In addition, the Chief Legal & Compliance Officer has been appointed Human Rights Officer of the Daimler Truck Group. As Human Rights Officer, he reports directly to the Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG and Daimler Truck Holding AG and monitors risk management.
Compliance Risk
All group companies and majority shareholdings of Daimler Truck worldwide are regularly subjected to a systematic risk analysis in order to identify and minimize potential risks in line with our human rights due diligence obligations. In addition, we also comply with our due diligence obligations in the supply chain.
Compliance Program
Risk-based supplier due diligences such as screenings for direct suppliers of production and non-production material as well as audits are an integral part of the Human Rights CMS. Compliance measures are tailored to the identified human rights risk areas.
Suspicious activity reports regarding violations of human rights and environmental obligations in our own business unit as well as in the Daimler Truck supply chain can be submitted via the reporting channels of our Whistleblowing System SpeakUp.
Communication and Training
We raise awareness among our employees with various internal trainings on human rights to give them a basic understanding of the contents of corporate due diligence and social responsibility. For this purpose, for example human rights issues in the respective working environment are conveyed as part of a specific web-based training course for particularly relevant specialist departments such as purchasing and sales.
Monitoring and Improvement
We continuously document individual process steps and evaluate whether our Human Rights CMS is appropriate and effective.
Results and details of our risk analysis can be found in the reports on the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (“Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz - LkSG”) of the Daimler Truck Group and our Declaration of Principles on Social Responsibility and Human Rights. They also contain further information on our processes and measures that we have established to implement the SCDDA: Sustainability Reporting | Daimler Truck.
Human Rights in the Supply Chain
We are committed to the responsible procurement of production and non-production materials and services and reject child labor, forced labor and modern slavery as well as other violations of human rights. In addition to our commitment to respect and support human rights in our supply chains, we also define further requirements on the topic of sustainability, particularly for our direct suppliers. For more information please follow this link:
Complaints Procedure
In order to fulfill our due diligence obligations, we have established a central complaints procedure as a core element of the Human Rights CMS. For more information please follow this link: