Our Approach in the Supply Chain: A global network of suppliers contributes to our company’s success, supplying us with innovative raw materials, components, materials and services, for example.

Human Rights in the Supply Chain

Our goal is to ensure that our partners along the supply chain also comply with social and environmental standards and thus support our sustainability efforts. In order to fulfill our due diligence obligations in the supply chain, suppliers of production materials and non-production materials are regularly checked for human rights risks in order to identify these and, if necessary, address them effectively through measures in a follow-up process. Thereby, we rely on a concept of binding requirements, screenings and audits, as well as information and qualification measures for suppliers. With these tools, we aim to increase transparency in the supply chain and ensure that human rights, labor and social standards, and environmental requirements are respected. The risk management for suppliers (supplier due diligence) is an integral part of our Human Rights CMS.
In our Business Partner Standards, we define requirements for our business partners in terms of respect for and support of human rights, good working conditions, environmental protection, and compliance with legal requirements.
Further requirements and detailed regulations are included in our contractual terms and conditions on social responsibility and environmental protection, in particular in our Daimler Truck Special Terms.
In addition, we are involved in various initiatives and projects to improve social and environmental performance and address human rights risks in our value chain. For example, our memberships in the European industry sustainability initiatives Drive Sustainability and Responsible Trucking, under the umbrella of CSR Europe network, can be emphasized.
Handling of critical raw materials
In the assessment of human rights risks along the supply chain of production materials, special attention is paid to critical raw materials that are potentially mined or processed under critical human rights conditions. With suppliers of these raw materials, we carry out reviews in the form of supply chain assessments. The main objective is to establish the necessary transparency, identify risk hotspots and define suitable measures.
Special due diligence obligations apply to tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold. These minerals (or 3TG for short, after their English initials) are known as conflict minerals. We rely on international standards and initiatives. We are part of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), which is committed to due diligence along the supply chains of 3TG and other human rights critical minerals. The focus is on smelting and refining, as there is a mix of materials from different sources at this point in the supply chain. It is therefore important to ensure that the due diligence obligations in the supply chain are met before melting takes place.