We are strongly committed to respect and support human rights and we expect the same from our business partners throughout the value chain. We reaffirm our commitment in our Declaration of Principles on Social Responsibility and Human Rights.

Declaration of Principles on Social Responsibility and Human Rights
To achieve our common goals, we at Daimler Truck, our General Works Council, the World Employee Committee of Daimler Truck and the IndustriALL Global Union have agreed on this Declaration of Principles. It describes our approach and our processes to respect and support human rights at Daimler Truck. The Declaration of Principles supplements our commitment to human rights in our Daimler Truck Code of Conduct and forms the basis for how we realize our social responsibility.
The policy statement is updated and supplemented by publication of the following results of our 2023 risk analysis.
The following risk areas were identified for the Group companies and majority shareholdings through the risk analysis:
- Disregard for occupational safety and health standards
- Discrimination and/or the prohibition of unequal treatment in employment
The following risk areas were identified in the supply chain:
- Disregard for occupational safety and health standards
- Hiring and use of private/public security forces that can lead to impairments of trade union rights and/or physical integrity due to lack of instruction or control
- Impacting natural livelihoods through environmental pollution
- Disregard
- The prohibition of forced labor and all forms of slavery
- The prohibition of withholding adequate living wages
Further details are available in the reports on the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCDDA) of the Daimler Truck Group. They also contain further information on our processes and measures that we have established to implement the SCDDA: Sustainability Reporting | Daimler Truck.
The Declaration of Principles on Social Responsibility and Human Rights is available in more than ten languages.
Further Languages