Daimler Truck

Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

31.03.2023 Business News


Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck
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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

“Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) – Advisory Board” created to anchor diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion even more firmly in the company Diverse and interdisciplinary team of 17 colleagues worldwide Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG: “The newly founded DEI Advisory Board is as diverse as Daimler Truck. The committee reflects diversity, equity and inclusion in all facets and…

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  • “Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) – Advisory Board” created to anchor diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion even more firmly in the company
  • Diverse and interdisciplinary team of 17 colleagues worldwide
  • Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG: “The newly founded DEI Advisory Board is as diverse as Daimler Truck. The committee reflects diversity, equity and inclusion in all facets and anchors these values ​​widely in our company. We want to listen carefully and understand what our employees need to have a sense of belonging, and offer them exactly that. With our DEI Advisory Board, diversity, equity and inclusion will become even more part of everyday life at Daimler Truck than they are today – which moves our company decisively forward."

Leinfelden-Echterdingen – Daimler Truck stands for respect, openness and fairness - for diversity, equity and inclusion. The task of the newly founded "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion - Advisory Board" (DEI Advisory Board) is promoting these guiding principles even more strongly and anchoring them in the company. The committee decides on the strategic direction and advises the Board of Management on all relevant topics relating to diversity, equity and inclusion at Daimler Truck. The Advisory Board develops initiatives and specific measures for the company to further promote diversity, equity and inclusion worldwide and is also the point of contact for employees. This gives employees the opportunity to address their concerns, suggestions and ideas quickly and directly.

The committee consists of diversity experts, representatives of underrepresented groups and senior executives from all organizational units from eight countries from five continents. They were nominated by the global Daimler Truck DEI network and the management. The team of 17 members is completed by Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG, who presides over the committee. The work of the DEI Advisory Board focuses on the following four topics: designing an inclusive working environment, strengthening employee networks, equity and inclusion in personnel development, and social responsibility through cooperation with selected partners.

Martin Daum, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck AG: "The newly founded DEI Advisory Board is as diverse as Daimler Truck. The committee reflects diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion in all facets and anchors these values ​​broadly in our company. We want to listen carefully and understand what our employees need to have a sense of belonging, and then offer them exactly that. With our DEI Advisory Board, diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion will become even more part of everyday life at Daimler Truck than they are today - and that is a decisive step forward for our company."

As part of Daimler Truck's sustainable business strategy, diversity, equity and inclusion are strategic priorities within the "Social" area. Daimler Truck fosters people of all cultures, religions, worldviews, sexual orientations and identities and condemns all forms of discrimination. The company expects all employees to treat each other with respect, openness and fairness in their daily work and values ​​the diversity of employees. More than 100,000 people from 125 nations work at Daimler Truck worldwide.

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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck
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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

Caption Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck
Copyright © Daimler Truck AG
Shelf number 23DT063_02
Release date 31.03.2023
Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck
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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

Copyright © Daimler Truck AG
Shelf number 20230331 Press-Information_Daimler Truck DEI-Advisory Board_ENG
Release date 31.03.2023
Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck
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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

Caption Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck
Copyright © Daimler Truck AG
Shelf number 23DT063_01
Release date 31.03.2023
Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck
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Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck

Caption Focus on diversity, equity and inclusion: New advisory board launched by Daimler Truck
Copyright © Daimler Truck AG
Shelf number 23DT063_03
Release date 31.03.2023
Heiko Pappenberger
Heiko Pappenberger

Spokesperson Human Resources and External Affairs

+49 176 30941771

Kathrin Schnurr
Kathrin Schnurr

Spokesperson Human Resources, Legal, Procurement & External Affairs

+49 160 863 9490

Marian Baumgärtner
Marian Baumgärtner

Spokesperson Human Resources, Legal, Procurement & External Affairs

+49 176 30933051