Daimler Truck

Annual General Meeting 2023

Voting results

At the Annual General Meeting, the shareholders of Daimler Truck Holding AG approved all of the resolutions proposed by the management with a clear majority. The proposal for the first dividend payment of €1.30 per share was approved. The actions for the 2022 financial Year of the members of the Board of Management and the members of the Supervisory Board have been approved by means of individual votes with a large majority. The share capital was represented with a presence of 75.97%.

Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting approved the new remuneration system for the members of the Board of Management by a large majority of 96.62%. In the future, the variable remuneration components of the Board of Management will be even more dependent on whether non-financial targets in addition to financial ESG targets have been achieved. Thus, the new remuneration model is even more aligned to the sustainability interests of shareholders.

In addition, a resolution was passed to amend the Articles of Incorporation to authorize the Board of Management to provide for the General Meeting each in 2024 and 2025 to be held in presence or in virtual format.

Voting Results Annual General Meeting 2023
PDF (0,34 MB)

Recording of opening speeches

Last year was a special year for Daimler Truck: It was the first full financial year as an independent company and also the most profitable year in the company's entire history. The company quickly set the course for the transformation to zero-emission vehicles and thus possible new business models. In addition, focus, efficiency and speed have increased. This underscores that the step toward independence was absolutely the right one.
Joe Kaeser
Joe Kaeser Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Daimler Truck Holding AG – Anteilseignervertreter

Daimler Truck underlines growth targets

Daimler Truck reaffirms at the Annual General Meeting its strategic ambitions: Continuous profitable growth and a leading role in the transformation toward sustainable transportation. A core element of this is the dual technology strategy. In addition to battery-electric drives, the Company is also focusing on hydrogen. The future product portfolio is developed based on these two drive concepts. By the end of 2022, the Group already had eight zero-emission truck and bus models in series production - not only in Europe, but also in the USA, South America and Japan. In the U.S. market, two more models will be added to the all-electric truck portfolio this year.


We have a clear picture of the future of transport - and we are playing a decisive role in shaping this future. We are making very good progress with our transformation and we are successfully working on our profitability, as our business figures show. I am therefore very confident about the future of Daimler Truck. This applies to 2023 - and it applies even more so to 2030. We want to take advantage of the enormous opportunities that this historic transformation of our industry will bring. We are determined to take Daimler Truck to a new, next level.
Martin Daum
Martin Daum Member of the Board of Management of Daimler Truck Holding AG, responsible for Daimler Buses, Daimler Truck Financial Services and IT
Daimler Truck Holding AG's Annual General Meeting (from left to right): Martin Daum and Joe Kaeser

Daimler Truck Holding AG's Annual General Meeting (from left to right): Martin Daum and Joe Kaeser

The global Daimler Truck team is working with great determination to make the vision of sustainable transport a success in all facets. The Supervisory Board looks forward to accompanying this transformation and actively supporting the company.
Joe Kaeser
Joe Kaeser Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Daimler Truck Holding AG – Anteilseignervertreter

Successful first year of independence

With 520,291 units sold in 2022, 14% more trucks and buses have been sold worldwide than in the same period of the previous year (455,445 units). The financial year also showed a favorable trend in earnings and return on sales. The Company recorded sales growth of 28% to €50.9 billion. Adjusted EBIT increased by 55% year-on-year to about €4.0 billion. The free cash flow of the Industrial Business increased by 12% to €1.7 billion in the reporting year (2021: €1.6 billion). Daimler Truck thus achieved its profitability and margin improvement targets for 2022.

Successful start into 2023

Daimler Truck started the year 2023 with a strong business development and was able to continue its profitable growth course.

You can find the complete press release regarding Annual General Meeting 2023 here.

Information on the Annual General Meeting 2023

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Documents for the Annual General Meeting 2023

Click on the headlines with + to see all details. You can open PDF files with the freely available Adobe Reader.

Questions and answers on the Annual General Meeting

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Here you will find our FAQ, which answer frequently asked general questions relating to the Annual General Meeting 2023.

Investor Relations will be pleased to help shareholders who have general questions regarding the Annual General Meeting:

Daimler Truck Investor Relations
E-mail: ir@daimlertruck.com