CEO Podcast Transportation Matters of Daimler Trucks & Buses about carbon neutral transport
In this episode Daimler Trucks & Buses CEO Martin Daum welcomes Nigel Topping who acts as a so called High Level Champion for Climate Action for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference scheduled for 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. Five Years have passed since the Paris Accord. Back in 2015 the members of the United Nations agreed on regulations to limit global warming. The main goal was to keep the increase of the global…
In this episode Daimler Trucks & Buses CEO Martin Daum welcomes Nigel Topping who acts as a so called High Level Champion for Climate Action for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference scheduled for 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland. Five Years have passed since the Paris Accord. Back in 2015 the members of the United Nations agreed on regulations to limit global warming. The main goal was to keep the increase of the global average temperature well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels.
So in this third episode of Transportation Matters Martin Daum and Nigel Topping talk about how climate action can actually be taken and how fast CO2 neutrality can be brought to a cost sensitive industry like transportation. “We are committed to technical solutions”, says Martin Daum and adds: “We can get to zero emission transport if policy and regulation drives in that direction and work with us.” In the following discussion both agree, that burning carbon fuels must be made more expensive to make CO2 neutral transport competitive and successful.
(Note: This podcast episode was recorded before the COVID-19 outbreak and its requirements of social distancing.)
About the podcast of Daimler Trucks & Buses
Transportation Matters is the first CEO Podcast of the transportation industry. Martin Daum, CEO of Daimler Truck AG, speaks with international guests on topics, ranging from the future of transport to sustainability and all the way to leadership knowledge. Following a successful first season with five episodes, the second season with new and interesting guests and topics started in April this year. This is the third episode in the second season.
Transportation Matters and the latest episode with Nigel Topping can be accessed and subscribed to at:
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