General Works Council
The General Works Council (GWC) represents the interests of more than 34,000 Daimler Truck employees in Germany. The GWC negotiates and concludes cross-site agreements with the management - so-called central works agreements -, which then apply to the entire workforce of Daimler Truck AG in Germany.
The committee consists of 13 members: The chairs and vice-chairs from the works councils of the plants in Kassel, Mannheim, Wörth and Gaggenau as well as from the headquarter in Leinfelden-Echterdingen. In addition, there are two works council members from Daimler Truck retail and one representative from the German sales organisation, MBVD. The GWC members elect a chairperson and a vice-chair.

Bruno Buschbacher
Chairman of the Works Council Mercedes-Benz plant Mannheim
Carmen Klitzsch-Müller
Chairwoman of the Works Council Headquarter Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Jörg Lorz
Chairman of the Works Council Mercedes-Benz plant Kassel
Frank Trampedach
Chairman of the Own Retail General Council, Chairman of the Works Council Truck & Bus Center Kassel
Udo Roth
Vice Chairman of the Works Council Mercedes-Benz plant Gaggenau
Markus Jäger-Hott
Vice Chairman of the Works Council Mercedes-Benz plant Wörth
Stefan Höß
Vice Chairman of the Works Council Mercedes-Benz plant Mannheim
Bernd Oehrler
Vice Chairman of the Works Council Headquarter Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Rainer Popp
Vice Chairman of the Works Council plant Kassel
Andreas Bössow
Vice Chairman of the Own Retail General Works Council, Chairman of the Works Council Truck & Bus Center Lübeck
Oliver Küchler
Chairman of the Works Council Mercedes-Benz Sales Organisation Germany Daimler Truck