Eine Gruppe von jungen Teammitgliedern analysiert eine mechanische Vorrichtung in einer Werkstatt.

School work experience

Take a glimpse into the future.

The only way to find out if you really enjoy something is by having a go. On a work experience placement with Daimler Truck you can discover what career you are suited to. And once you've graduated from school, you can come back to us.

You won't find your dream job out on the school playground. You'll find it on work experience at Daimler Truck. During your placement, you experience the world of work at Daimler Truck, get a taste of various different professions and find out about everything first hand.

Your 'future colleagues' reveal what makes their work so enjoyable and interesting. Or why they opted for a traineeship at Daimler Truck themselves. Experienced employees are there to guide you during your placement. They will tell you everything there is to know about working for Daimler Truck and advise you on which school subjects are important if you want to prepare for a particular career.

Sound like fun? Well, it is! If you are interested in a school work experience placement, send a written application to a Daimler Truck site near you. Find the right contact for the locations listed below.

Locations for school work experience

  • Gaggenau, Mercedes-Benz Plant

    Contact person technical school work experience:
    Tamara Hertweck
    Tel.: +49 7225 613 827
    E-Mail: tamara.hertweck@daimlertruck.com

    Type of internship:
    Pupil internship as part of vocational orientation in different schools (OIB, BORS, BOGY) in our technical vocational training:
    - Electronics technician for automation technology
    - Industrial mechanic
    - Mechatronics fitter
    - Production mechanic

    All year (accoring to availability)

    1 week

    Application period:
    Application period starts on the 1st of July. The limited number of vacancies is highly coveted. Take your chance – apply in time!

    Please send us your application form online to the following e-mail address: MBgaggenau-schuelerpraktikum@daimlertruck.com

    Location info

  • Kassel, Mercedes-Benz Plant

    Contact person technical school work experience:
    Petra Müller
    Tel.: +49 176 309 449 18
    E-Mail: praktikantenbewerbungen@daimlertruck.com

    Type of internship:
    a) School work experience for 7th to 10th graders in our training workshop (metalworking/ electrical engineering)
    b) School work experience for 11th to 13th graders in the field of engineering
    c) Technical secondary school internship in technical departments

    a) and b) 2-3 weeks
    c) 12 months

    Please send your application form online to the following e-mail address: praktikantenbewerbungen@daimlertruck.com

    Location info

  • Mannheim, Mercedes-Benz Plant

    Contact person school work experience:
    Tel.: +49 621 393 22 27
    E-Mail: schuelerpraktikum-mannheim@daimlertruck.com

    Type of internship:

    School work experience as part of vocational orientation in different schools (OIB, BORS, BOGY) in our technical vocational training:

    • Mechatronics fitter
    • Motor vehicle mechatronics technician
    • Production mechanic
    • Miling machine operator



    Student Internship: 1-2 weeks

    Field of engineering: 2 weeks

    Application period:

    All-year, at least 3 months in advance

    Location info

  • Wörth, Mercedes-Benz Plant

    Contact person commercial/technical school work experience/engineering:
    Fabienne Biegard
    Tel.: +49 176 30950874
    E-Mail: mbwoerth.schuelerpraktikum@daimlertruck.com

    Type of internship:
    School work experience or orientation traineeship for pupils until 12th grade of all types of schools in the following vocational trainings:

    • Electronics technician for automation technology
    • Industrial mechanic
    • Motor vehicle mechatronics technician
    • Process mechanic for coating technology
    • Production mechanic
    • Tools mechanic
    • Warehouse logistics operator
    • Commercial areas in general
    • Engineering internships 



    1-2 weeks

    Application period:
    Minimum 5 weeks before start

    Please send us your application form online to the following e-mail address: mbwoerth.schuelerpraktikum@daimlertruck.com

    Location info

If you are interested in a student internship in one of our commercial vehicle centers (max. 1 to 2 weeks) please contact us and send the application form to ausbildung@daimlertruck.com with a lead time of 2 to 3 months.